Post by: Halli Matheny (aka Mom):
Sister Matheny made it home safe and sound on Thursday, April 5th at 10:45 pm after two very long travel days! She flew from Naga, Philippines to Manila where she spent the night in a hotel. Her mission president's wife, Sister Zapanta, sent me these pictures . . .
~ Sister Matheny & Sister Zapanta ~

Sister Zapanta also sent me this beautiful message:
"Oh, words are not enough to say how grateful I am for Sister Matheny, she's a powerhouse! I've shed tons of tears today as we have the afternoon session for the departing missionaries and the night with Me and President! As we hugged each other so tight, tears freely flowed...I can't deny the fact that it is really so hard to let them go...I asked her, is it a crime if I hide your ticket so you'll not be able to go? Her reply was Wow! Sure hide it! Ha ha ha ha I knew it is so selfish to think that way, hence an apology. :( I love her so dearly. Little did she know that she's an inspiration to me. Thank you for allowing her to serve here in the Philippines. You've send a young girl 18 months ago, now you're about to receive a full grown woman - the greatest we've ever had!"
To say I cried would be an understatement. We are so proud of her!
When she arrived in Manila, she started feeling sick and throwing up so they took her to the doctor. The doctor cleared her to fly. She then took a flight to Tokyo, Japan. Evidently, she was pretty sick during the 9 hour flight from Tokyo to Seattle Washington and unable to keep down any food or drink. By the time she landed in Seattle, she was dizzy, weak, and feeling pretty bad. She told the airline that she didn't think she could fly. They called an ambulance and she was transported to a near by emergency room where she was given IV fluids and some anti-nausea medicine. She called me and said, "Hi Mom! I'm in America! I'm at the hospital." I thought she was mixing up her English words and said, "You mean the airport?" She said, "The hospital." I then said, "Taylor, you know the hospital is where you go when you are sick or hurt. You mean the airport?" She then said, "I know, I am at the hospital."
You can only imagine how freaked out I was! :) She then proceeded to tell me that all her money was in her luggage and had gone on with her flight to LA that she had missed and she wasn't sure when she would be landing in Austin.
I didn't know what to do so I called our bishop. Within 15 minutes, I had two different people that lived in the Seattle area willing to go and pick her up, get her some food, and take her back to the airport. But, the hospital ended up giving her a voucher back to the airport and they were able to get her on a direct flight that landed only 15 minutes later than her original flight! We were so grateful! She was feeling much better (just tired and weak) after the fluids and medicine she was given at the hospital. And, her flight actually landed 30 minutes early!
I didn't know what to do so I called our bishop. Within 15 minutes, I had two different people that lived in the Seattle area willing to go and pick her up, get her some food, and take her back to the airport. But, the hospital ended up giving her a voucher back to the airport and they were able to get her on a direct flight that landed only 15 minutes later than her original flight! We were so grateful! She was feeling much better (just tired and weak) after the fluids and medicine she was given at the hospital. And, her flight actually landed 30 minutes early!
I had asked my friend and favorite photographer, Melisa McKinney, to come to the airport with us to take pictures. I didn't want to have to have to worry about taking pictures. I just wanted to focus on welcoming home our beautiful missionary! I think it was one of the best things that I did! The saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words" rings true . . . these pictures say it all!
She said this was her best pair of shoes when she left!
Sister Matheny shows us how you greet people older than you in the Philippines . . .
Dave's expression cracked us all up! LOL!
Originally, we had invited quite a few people to come to the airport to welcome Sister Matheny home. After talking to her in the hospital, I contacted all those planning to come and told them the situation and that we weren't sure how she would be feeling and therefore didn't know how long we would be at the airport. We said they were still more than welcome to come but we totally understood if they decided to wait and see her when she was feeling better. A couple people decided to wait but he Smith's, Melisa McKinney, and Janet Theriult joined us! It was such a great night! The only thing that could have made it better was if Carter could have been there! He is about two hours from home at College Station. He just started a new job and couldn't take off two weekends in row so he decided he'd wait and come the following weekend to hear her speak in church and attend her open house.
~ (left to right) Kelly Smith, Mike Smith, Janet Theriult, Halli, Dave, Sister Matheny, Lauren, Grandpa & Grandma McDougall ~
Welcome home Sister Matheny! It was definitely a job well done! We love you and couldn't be prouder!
Love, Mom
Love, Mom
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