To be completely and totally honest, when I heard that I would be transferring to Iriga two cycles ago, I was not what you would call "thrilled" about the upcoming change. I actually was completely terrified to transfer to this area! From everything I had heard, the people here were hard-hearted, the houses big (meaning the people inside might not be friendly) and the sun hotter than anywhere else in the mission. In addition, what added more to my fear was before that transfer, I had specifically prayed and asked Heavenly Father: "If I am going to transfer this cycle, please anywhere BUT Iriga." So naturally, that is where I ended being sent.
But of course, even at that time, I knew that God has a perfect plan and that there was a reason I was meant to come here to Iriga. So even though I was scared, I put on a smile,
set my feelings aside and have been doing my best to work hard and love the people here.
The one thing I hadn't anticipated when I heard I would be transferring here however, was how much I would come to love this area, how dear to my heart it would become... and finally, how hard I would cry after receiving a call last night that I will be transferring out of what I have come to recognize as the best area in the mission.
Three months ago, I never imagined myself, kneeling on my bed and praying with my whole heart, just saying "Heavenly Father, I will try my best to be alright with whatever happens this upcoming transfer... but I am not sure if I could handle it if I am the one to leave. I just love this area too much."
Well, He is definitely putting my faith to the test as once again, I am going to do the one thing that terrifies me the most. But this time, I am going to let go of all of that and just put my trust in the Lord that DAET (my new area... and the furthest zone in the mission) is where He wants me to be. Because if there is one thing that Iriga has taught me, it is to have FAITH, and everything else will work out the way that it is supposed to. So that's what I will do! Have FAITH! For I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish that which he has commanded them. (1 Nephi 3:7)
Yes, I am sad to leave my area, but I know I am leaving it in good hands. And at least I can say that after a long and hard week of work, I am happy with what we . . .
. . . were able to accomplish during my last week in Iriga.
One event that stood out extra-sharp in my mind was the art show that we had last Friday.
For the show, Sister and Elder Hanson had given me a canvas that they expected me to have finished.
But as the days came and past, I was left with little time to work on my painting and was ultimately unable to finish.
But as I have said before, the Lord works in mysterious ways! And because of my decision to focus on the work instead of the painting, I gained an awesome opportunity Friday to spend my proselyting hours painting live at the art show,
meeting so many awesome people and answering their questions about art.
Before starting that morning, I just remember begging Heavenly Father in prayer to help me do a good job (because I really have no idea what I am doing with paint) before getting to work.
Throughout the day, the spirit there was SUPER strong and I really felt the Lord's hand guiding me along and helping me to do a good job. In fact, there were even times when certain ideas or impressions just popped into my mind for the painting! So by the time the art show was over, I was surprised and happy with what I was able to do, and had to tell most of the people who asked me to give them the painting that they would have to fight Sister Zapanta for it.
I know it was not because of my own abilities or skills that I was able to finish strong but I am so grateful to the Lord for answering my prayer to help me paint.
I was also grateful when the Lord answered my prayer Tuesday afternoon when after heading out to find a referral in a relatively large area, I prayed to Heavenly Father and said "I know we will probably not be able to find this person... but if they are ready and if we are supposed to teach them, please guide us to them quickly now so that we can make it to our other appointments." After that, the tricey dropped us off in a random spot and we were off!
As we walked down the road (me looking back and forth for people to ask along the way). . .
. . . I noticed a rather large house and had the sudden urge to ask there. To be honest, I almost didn't listen because I have a weird tendency to knock on big houses (so I thought maybe the feeling was just coming from me) but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try, so I called out only to have the person there tell me that it was in fact the home of the person we were looking for!
I was shocked! I had prayed for Heavenly Father's help, but hadn't expected Him to answer my prayer so quickly or immediately! And throughout the mission, I have seen Him do that time and time again.
Like with this transfer, for example. Even though I am SOOOO sad to leave this area, I am also grateful and excited for all the prayers my Heavenly Father is also answering in the process. For one, I have really wanted to--and have been praying for a chance to--go to Daet since the start of my mission, and now... I WILL GET TO GO THERE! In addition, I will also be blessed with the awesome opportunity to be companions with SISTER SEGOVIA!
Who I ABSOLUTELY LOVE and is one of the hardest workers I have meet since I started the mission. I have prayed that I would get an opportunity to be her companion before, but didn't think it would actually happen because she is one of the Sister Training Leaders (STL's) in the mission. And since I am also getting the opportunity to be called as an STL (which I am honestly SUPER nervous about) it means I will also get to work with Sister Black again! (Something I have been praying for since we stopped being companions)
Because she is also in Daet, so I will get to go on exchanges with her (hopefully) which I am SUPER excited for.
All in all, I don't think I have quite absorbed the fact that I am actually transferring! But I know the Lord has a plan, so I will just do my best to follow Him... because as the song goes "if, by a still, small voice he calls to paths that I do not know, I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go."
I hope you all have an awesome week and I can't wait to email next week from my NEW AREA!!!!
Sister Matheny